a group of children sitting at desks in a classroom

Supporting Classroom Success


The Classroom Enrichments program is dedicated to providing resources and support to educators in Central Oregon. Through this program, we aim to enhance the learning experience and promote academic achievement for students in our community.

Empowering Classrooms Through Enrichments

Discover how our enrichments provide essential funding for classrooms, making a lasting impact on students' education.

Funding Sources

Our enrichments are made possible through generous donations from local businesses and community members.

Impact on Classrooms

See how our enrichments have transformed classrooms, providing resources and opportunities for students.

a woman helping two girls write in a classroom

Funding for Classroom Enhancements and Educational Resources

Our Classroom Enrichments program offers various types of funding to support educators in enhancing their classrooms and providing students with valuable educational resources. Eligibility criteria apply.

Types of Funding Available

We offer a range of funding to meet different classroom needs, including technology, project-based learning mental and physical health, and more.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Classroom Enrichments, educators must be currently employed by Bend-La Pine Schools and show a clear need for the funding for their classroom. The educator can be a classroom teacher, counselor, EA and more.

Application Process

To apply for a Classroom Enrichment, educators need to submit a detailed proposal via a Google form. To access the application form, please click the button below. Applications will open February 5th for the Spring Cycle. The application period ends on March 1st.

Help transform our schools


Supporting public education can make a world of difference for students and educators alike. Whether donating, attending events, or joining our team of passionate volunteers, you’ve got a place with us.

a group of young people standing around each other